Right, we have been off the grid and majorly lazy. The Olympics are over but our blogging didn't resume. Mostly because Brighton's off shooting his new movie American Dreamsicle. I don't have that kind of an excuse.
I have a note for it, which lets me get away with anything.
On the writing front, I am awaiting the results of a half-baked partial while Brighton bites his nails off over a few queries. We are both working on our respective WiPs besides the usual mundane routine of never-ending revisions.
Do revisions ever end? Yes, they do. Either when you kill the book and the lovable characters (Why you guys get me no money after hundreds of hours and thousands of years of labour) or when they are published (Why you still not get me money after publishing and hundreds of hours and thousands of years of labour).
But we digress. After our last Piratey blog hop during which we met a few mates and fellow-bloggers, we decided to sign up for another one- a longer one!
Do check out the amazing GUTGAA hosted by Deana Barnhart. It also includes an Agent Pitch Contest (muhaha...Agent snagging time) and other random prizes. Also this is a HUGE event with nearly 200 participants already.
So, we will be kept in line and the blog will be kept alive. Also, from our end, we will resume our weekly editions of Juicy Shockers from next week onwards.
Also, in other news, Brighton got interviewed by the ever-fantastic Kela Mclelland and boy did he answer in detail. So much detail, that it had to put in two parts - Act 1 and Act 2.
In more awesomer news, as an ultra late update, our first Juicy Shocker victim, R.C. Lewis, has been signed on by Disney Hyperion for a two book, six figure deal for STITCHING SNOW, coming Summer 2014. Yeah, you read that right!
We are thinking of interviewing ourselves for the blog. It might atleast fetch us an agent. Also do drop us a line if you think an interview with us might re-align your stars. After all, we don't claim much credit except acknowledging our awesomeness.
So, here's to the revival of Pineapple Lightning.
Signing off,
The Boys of Summer
I have a note for it, which lets me get away with anything.
On the writing front, I am awaiting the results of a half-baked partial while Brighton bites his nails off over a few queries. We are both working on our respective WiPs besides the usual mundane routine of never-ending revisions.
Do revisions ever end? Yes, they do. Either when you kill the book and the lovable characters (Why you guys get me no money after hundreds of hours and thousands of years of labour) or when they are published (Why you still not get me money after publishing and hundreds of hours and thousands of years of labour).
But we digress. After our last Piratey blog hop during which we met a few mates and fellow-bloggers, we decided to sign up for another one- a longer one!
Do check out the amazing GUTGAA hosted by Deana Barnhart. It also includes an Agent Pitch Contest (muhaha...Agent snagging time) and other random prizes. Also this is a HUGE event with nearly 200 participants already.
So, we will be kept in line and the blog will be kept alive. Also, from our end, we will resume our weekly editions of Juicy Shockers from next week onwards.
Also, in other news, Brighton got interviewed by the ever-fantastic Kela Mclelland and boy did he answer in detail. So much detail, that it had to put in two parts - Act 1 and Act 2.
In more awesomer news, as an ultra late update, our first Juicy Shocker victim, R.C. Lewis, has been signed on by Disney Hyperion for a two book, six figure deal for STITCHING SNOW, coming Summer 2014. Yeah, you read that right!
We are thinking of interviewing ourselves for the blog. It might atleast fetch us an agent. Also do drop us a line if you think an interview with us might re-align your stars. After all, we don't claim much credit except acknowledging our awesomeness.
So, here's to the revival of Pineapple Lightning.
Signing off,
The Boys of Summer